Grant Making & Funding Policies

When are grants made / funding proposals accepted?

Because we operate on a public benefit basis, we must ensure that all funds we spent goes directly towards helping those in need, and more importantly, that funds are allocated efficiently.

There will always be an abundance of worthy causes that deserve our support. However, with finite resources, we must prioritise causes that can further our Foundation's mission, and deliver the best cost/benefit balance.

In general, we fund organisations and partners with a proven track record of successful program delivery. Only in very exceptional and rare circumstances are private individuals the receipient of our funding grants. These circumstances require the approval of our Foundation's Director, and generally are one-off only. Barring exceptional circumstances, we also do not provide funding for privately held fundraisers because of the potential for inefficient use of resources and lack of transparency/accountability.

Please read and review our Charitable Operating Guidelines for more information on our fundraising and disbursement policies.

How is money usually disbursed by our Foundation?

We disperse funds through bank transfer. Important: No funds can be disbursed in cash, virtual currency, or other non-tracked means. This is to ensure accountability/transparency and to comply with risk management and financial conduct regulations.

Good candidates for our fundraising grants:

  1. Programmes or organisations that have a proven track record of success.

  2. Programmes that can generate sufficient publicity and interest.

  3. Programmes that are time-limited (run only for a limited and clearly specified duration).

  4. Programmes that offer clearly measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of success.

Causes that we generally cannot support:

  1. Political or religious campaigns.

  2. Campaigns that do not operate in accordance with local laws and regulations.

  3. Individual (private) fundraisers, such as those commonly hosted on platforms such as GoFundMe.

  4. Campaigns designed only to benefit one, or otherwise a small group of private individuals.

  5. Causes that are long-running and difficult to portray to our donors.

  6. Causes that do not deliver visible impact.

Last updated